
教學計劃表 Syllabus Form

【教學計劃表 Syllabus Form】

Different courses please fill in by separate. The experience course is limited for one class. The general course, please fill in the content of each class.

※一般課程至多以10次20小時為上限,特殊情況請洽本校區推廣組。General course 10 times (20 hours) on limited.
※授課進度及內容。Teaching Schedule & Content.
※如上所述。As Mentioned Above.
※不含於學費中。Not Included in Tuition.
※以教室現有配置為原則。On the Basic of the Existing Classroom Configuration.
※學員程度或年齡需求。 Student's' Level or Age Requirement.
※作品集或或照片相片(含說明)Portfolios or Photos (Including Instructions).
驗證碼圖片 驗證碼語音播放器
The information will be used on the course review and enroll students, please fill in details.