The continuing education of Meilun campus is to improve the professional skills or interests for the general public. E.g., language learning, painting, handicrafts, aerobics, martial arts, cooking, government-training, all are non-credit courses. If you have any expertise or teaching experience, welcome to join our teaching team.
01. 本校推廣教育師資聘任及課程申請,需經由推廣教育審查小組審查及決議,依實際需求與資格, 聘任課程師資。
The instructor should have the qualification of teacher, professional technician or professional technical teacher.
02. 以下條件者不得申請開課:The following conditions are not allowed to apply for the course.
(1) 有任何民、刑事訴訟者。As a civil or criminal litigant.
(2) 在補教機構任課之講師。Cram teacher.
03. 課程規範不得有商業利益行為、不得有醫療行為( 保健目的除外 )、不得有非科學原理之課程內容與教材。
Do not have any commercial interest, medical care ( except the health care ) & non-scientific curriculum course.
04. 舊師資如需申請新開設課程,亦須填寫「教學計劃表」。
If you are already the instructor of our campus, still need to fill in the “Syllabus Form”.
05. 進行校外授課,場域需切合課程性質且符合安全規範之教學場所與設備。
For out-of-school teaching, the venue must be safe and also meet the needs of the course.
06. 相關證明文件請檢附:( 以下證明文件,可擇一掃描檔或拍照上傳 )
Supporting documents: ( Scan or take one of the following item’s photo and upload )
(1) 最高學歷證書。Highest Education Certificate.
(2) 教師或專業技術資格證書。Teacher or proficiency qualification.
(3) 專業領域之特殊成就、背景、著作、作品證明文件。
The professional field certificates of special achievements, backgrounds, works or products.
07. 資料補填、補繳及審查結果皆以Email方式通知。
We will use email to contact you to submit the missing documents and the reviewed results.
08. 通過決審者,本校將安排推廣教育課程招生。
When pass the review, we will start to enroll students and the course.